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    Mit Try & Buy Philips Sonicare risikofrei testen

    Ab nur 3,49€ im Monat

    Mit Try & Buy Philips Sonicare risikofrei testen

    Wähle deine Philips Sonicare

    Warum abonnieren?

    Drei Gründe für Try & Buy

    Teste die Sonicare-Technologie

    Teste die #No.1 empfohlene Schallzahnbürste weltweit1 mit 18 monatlichen Zahlungen.

    Volle Flexibilität

    Wähle zwischen monatlicher Zahlung, Abzahlung der restlichen Raten oder Kündigung und Rückgabe innerhalb von 18 Monaten.

    Kostenlose Lieferung und Rückgabe

    Kostenloser Versand für deine Philips Sonicare. Doch nicht zufrieden? Profitiere von der kostenlosen Retoure.

    Sonic Technology Banner


    Philips Sonicare Zahnbürsten arbeiten mit Schalltechnologie. Bürstenköpfe bewegen sich bis zu 62 000 Mal pro Minute und erzeugen Mikrobläschen, die die Reinigung der Zahnzwischenräume unterstützen. Es ist klinisch erwiesen, dass sie eine hervorragende Reinigung im Vergleich zu einer Handzahnbürste bieten.

    Recycle mit TerraCycle

    Recycle mit TerraCycle

    Alle Philips Sonicare Zahnbürstenköpfe sind jetzt recycelbar. Recycel deine gebrauchten Zahnpflegeprodukte mit TerraCycle und wir stellen neue Produkte aus dem recycelten Abfall her.

    Du möchtest lieber eine Zahnbürste kaufen?

    Alle Zahnbürsten ansehen

    Bestehendes Abonnement verwalten

    Zu MyPhilips

    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    How can I pay for my Sonicare Try & Buy programme?

    In the Try & Buy programme, we accept all major credit and debit cards.

    When can I expect my product?

    Our goal is to deliver the ordered product within 3-6 working days, but this depends on your location.

    How can I postpone the delivery or cancel my subscription?

    You can pause your subscription and can cancel it anytime. Simply log into your account and click “Cancel my subscription”. The cancellation process is different depending upon how long you have had your product.


    If you wish to cancel within the first 30 days then you are entitled to return the product and receive a full refund. You’ll receive instructions by email to return your product free of charge.If you wish to cancel within the first 30 days then you are entitled to return the product and receive a full refund. You’ll receive instructions by email to return your product free of charge.

    Can I purchase my electric toothbrush handle before the Try & Buy programme ends?

    You can purchase the electric toothbrush handle at anytime during the Try & Buy programme period for the full purchase price minus the already paid amount.

    Note: The warranty starts from the date the first payment is made.

    What happens if my electric toothbrush handle is damaged [while I am still paying for it]

    Don't worry! If during your Try & Buy programme period you are experiencing trouble with your electric toothbrush handle due to factory or material issues, we will replace the electric toothbrush handle for free.
    Philips Sonicare does not take responsibility for loss, theft, or damage.

    How does the Sonicare Try & Buy programme work?

    • Kick off your Try & Buy programme and receive your toothbrush handle.
    • If you enroll in the Try & Buy programme, automatic charges to your payment card will continue unless you cancel the subscription.
    • The first payment is taken on the day of subscription creation

    Are there any hidden costs?

    There will be no surprises when it comes to costs. Delivery is always free and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

    How do I modify my subscription plan?

    You can update your information at anytime in your subscription account.

    I ordered a electric toothbrush. Is my brush head subscription now active?

    Yes. Your brush head subscription is activated as soon as you make your payment.

    How often are my replacement brush heads delivered?

    As part of your subscription plan, you will receive a new replacement head every 3 months.

    Can I return my brush heads?

    Yes, returns of unopened brush head in original packaging will be accepted within 30 days of receipt for a full refund.

    What happens if I miss a subscription payment?

    In the event of a failed payment, a notification will be sent to your email address, providing a link to update your information and complete payment.


    You can also log into your account and catch up on your payments there.

    Can I order more than 1 subscription?

    Yes, you can order up to 5 per household.

    Which handle can I buy?

    You can choose either the Sonicare for Kids, the ProtectiveClean 4300, the DiamondClean 9000 or the Prestige 9900.

    Does the Try & Buy programme have an end date?

    The installment payments on your handle lasts 12 months.

    How do I cancel my subscription?

    You can't pause your Try & Buy programme but you can cancel it anytime. Simply log into your account and click “Cancel my subscription”. The cancellation process is different depending upon how long you have had your product.


    If you wish to cancel within the first 30 days then you are entitled to return the product and receive a full refund. You’ll receive instructions by email to return your product free of charge.


    However, if you wish to keep your product or it is after the first 30 days then you can cancel your subscription in the account and return the product but will not receive any refunds. You’ll receive instructions by email to return your product free of charge.

    DiamondClean Prestige
    DiamondClean Prestige

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